These Eating Habits Are Messing With Your Sleept

We know that eating a healthy diet and getting regular physical activity is essential to a healthy body and mind, just like a good night’s sleep is. If you’re waking up feeling exhausted and not refreshed, it can mess with your mood, productivity, and even affect your food choices. If you’re not sure why you’re not getting restful sleep, these food habits could be to blame.

Dark chocolate before bed - Those of us with a sweet tooth who are trying to eat healthier know a couple squares of dark chocolate is a better dessert option, but not for those who are sensitive to caffeine or who can’t stop at two squares. Chocolate contains caffeine, so it could impact your sleep if you eat it close to bedtime.

Low-protein breakfast - Eating at least 20 to 30 grams of protein at breakfast can stop cravings and increased appetite at night. And if you are a late-night snacker, know that grazing on carbs and sugar wreak havoc on your blood sugar and disrupt sleep. So starting the day with enough protein could be the fix.

Low-carb dinner - Your body needs carbs to make tryptophan and serotonin, a brain chemical involved in sleep. Carbs also contain vitamin B3, which has been studied for its sleep benefits. Just make sure you’re eating complex, fiber-rich carbohydrates and not heavily refined ones to help with a good night’s sleep.

Low-calcium diet - If you’re not getting enough dairy or non-dairy calcium alternatives, it could be messing with your sleep. Calcium works with tryptophan to make melatonin and research shows calcium deficiency has been linked to disturbed REM sleep.

Source: Women's Health

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