How To Make Your Relationship Stronger This Month

This time of year we’re running around even more than usual and trying to jingle all the way. All as much fun as it can be, being so busy can take a toll on your relationship and that’s not how you want to spend the holidays. So here are a few ways to stay connected to your partner in December in the midst of decking the halls, hosting guests, and holiday shopping.

Make your shopping list, then divide and conquer - Think of everyone you need a present for, from the doorman to your office Secret Santa to your cat sitter, and make a master spreadsheet. After you include friends, family, and all those extra gifts you need, it seems like a huge task, but if you split up the duties with your S.O., it’s really not so bad.

Start a new tradition and ditch one obligation - The holidays are what you make of them and you don’t have to celebrate yours the way everyone on TV or social media does. If you guys like sipping mulled cider while wearing Christmas sweaters and decorating the tree, have fun and live it up. But if you’d rather go out for Indian food and binge watch “The Walking Dead” on Christmas Eve, that’s totally cool, too! Forget the obligations and enjoy doing what you like together.

Schedule a night on the couch alone - Having a full social calendar this month means you won’t have much time for your one and only, so take a night at home together to relax and reconnect. You won’t regret missing your cat sitter’s cousin’s Christmas cocktail party to do it.

Source: PureWow

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