Those Who Live With Roommates Messier Than Those Who Don't

There are a lot of reasons why living with a roommate is the worst, and now you can add another. A new survey reveals that those who live with roommates tend to be messier than those who live alone or with their S.O.

The survey notes that only 67% of people with roommates admit they keep up with their chores around the house, while 95% of those who live with a partner, and 89% who live alone say they do. In fact, 20% of those who have roommates say they only clean up when they know they are having guests over.

And being messy can be a bad thing when it comes to one’s love life. Of the 47% of people who say they’ve been in a relationship with a messy partner, 20% of ended things because it.

Of course, there are plenty of people who aren’t exactly super clean. Most people admit to being guilty of some messy habits. The most common is not making the bed (47%), while 35% say they have dust collecting in the corners of their room. Other messy things Americans are guilty of include:

  • Having clothes on the floor (33%)
  • Seeing spiderwebs in their room (31%)
  • Having expired food in the fridge (30%)
  • Having a messy car (29%)
  • Having paper everywhere (28%)
  • Having an unorganized/chaotic closet (27%)
  • Not using coasters (26%)
  • Collecting a pile of dishes in the sink for more than 24 hours (26%)

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