First Things A Woman Notices About A Man

Counting backwards, here is the list.... check out number one at the bottom.

Scent: Your overall smell – body odor, cologne and breath. Your scent is an indication of how considerate you are of yourself and of others because being stinky, with body odor or assaulting people with your cologne is disgusting and rude.

Hair: The type of haircut and style you have, if it’s maintained and how clean your hair looks or is.

Hands: How groomed and clean your hands are. Fingernails, smooth/rough/warts/hairy/etc are all things a woman immediately notices.

Shoes: What shoes you’re wearing based on the occasion and how clean they are. They indicate a lot more about a man than he often thinks.

Personality: Whether we’re interacting or I’m observing you from afar – The way you interact with others and the way you carry yourself are all things we immediately notice. Are you well spoken? What’s your demeanor – funny, serious, shy, nice, well-mannered, rude, etc.? Women look past physical attributes, and I know men have a hard time understanding this sometimes because they’re more visual creatures, but women immediately go right past your physical looks to try and get the core of a man. A bad personality sours even the best looking of men.

Clothes: How put together you are, regardless of what style you’ve adapted, is a good indicator of the type of man you are. If your clothes are proportional to your body, then doesn’t matter what your body type is, it shows you care about yourself enough to have respect for your own appearance. So make sure your clothes fit properly, at least!

Smile: Antonio had this way further down on his list then I’d ever put it. Your smile is important because it can instantly make a woman feel welcomed and comfortable. On top of that, how clean and well your teeth look is another good insight into how a man conducts his life.

Face: This one is pretty obvious, but Antonio didn’t give this one enough credit, either. Your features, good or bad, and how you make the best of what you’ve been given is a big deal to women. Is your skin clean looking, facial hair kept in check, eyebrow, nose and ear hair groomed? These all tell us how well you treat yourself and understand that your appearance matters – to yourself and the ability to understand how to interact with the world.


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