At What Age Do We Feel Like We Are Adults?

Science tells us when we become adults. For men it’s age 26 and for women, 23. That’s all well and good, but when do we feel like adults? The answer has nothing to do with age. A new study by and Farm Rich discovered it’s all about the food and experiences you have. The top 10 signs you’re an adult are peppered with things like watching the evening news, cooking dinner most of the week and scheduling regular medical appointments.

On the flip side, according to Millennials, having certain foods in the house makes you grown folk. For that group and Gen-Zers having frozen food in the freezer makes you an adult and so does eating snacks for dinner. Coffee, fruits and veggies in the home were the top foods that indicated to the young crowd that they are full blown grown.

Experiences were big indicators of reaching the magic transition period for those asked, as well. These are the top five signs of being an adult.

  • Having a budget
  • Buying a house
  • Filing your own taxes
  • Understanding and monitoring your credit score
  • Investing in a 401(k)

One more tidbit, that may make late night hosts shiver, is that bedtime for an adult is 9:16 p.m.

Source: New York Post

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