Pressure To Impress At Parties Prompts Us To Exaggerate About Their Life

It’s totally understandable if you want to make a good impression at a social gathering, but it seems a lot of people feel such pressure to impress that they wind up exaggerating things a bit. 

A new UK poll, which could easily translate here, finds:

  • Half of respondents say they’ve exaggerated details of their life at a dinner party, including things like salary, job description and more.
  • 30% admit to being competitive at parties, trying to make themselves look financially better off than other guests, or even the hosts.
  • The top things partygoers will exaggerate about include:
    • Job role
    • Travelling experiences
    • The amount of exercise they do
    • Salary
    • Dating life
    • Cooking skills
    • Past careers
    • Films they’ve seen
    • Baking skills
    • How happy their marriage/relationship is
  • Of course it doesn’t always work, with 20% of people saying they’ve called someone out for trying to one-up everyone else at a party.
  • Most people say they are more likely to exaggerate their achievements around new people so they won’t get caught.
  • 43% say they do it to try and fit in with their crowd.
  • 40% say the do it to appear more interesting than they really are. 

Source: SWNS Digital

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