How To Sign Up For CVOID-19 Vaccine Shots In NM

Vaccines are being administered by the New Mexico Department of Health. They now have a web/phone based app that let’s you sign up for the COVID-19 vaccine.

Go to:

You will put in your person info, answer a few health questions along with your employment information and some other key data.

When vaccine is available to you, they will send a notification enabling you to schedule a vaccination appointment.

As of late last week, about 300,000 New Mexicans had already registered. 

If you have questions or would like support with the registration process - including New Mexicans who do not have internet access - please dial 1-855-600-3453, press option 0 for vaccine questions, and then option 4 for tech support. The hours of the hotline are Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm. Users who have other vaccine-related questions please select option 0 for vaccine questions.

Why is it so important to register for the vaccine?

Right now, supply of the vaccine from the federal government is limited. That means states all across the U.S., including ours, have been prioritizing the highest-risk individuals and workers, like front-line nurses and doctors and other health care providers.

When more vaccine becomes available to our state, more groups of individuals will be able to receive their shots. When you register for the vaccine, it helps the state of New Mexico ensure that happens. It’s quick, it’s simple, and your personal information will be protected. 

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