Men & Women Would Rather Reveal Their Weight Than Salary

It’s no secret that women usually get paid less than men, and for this reason it’s no surprise to find out that women aren’t exactly comfortable talking about their salary. But you may be surprised to find out just how uncomfortable they are with it.

A new survey by MyBankTracker finds:

  • 63% of women say they’d rather reveal their weight than disclose their salary.
  • Those 18 to 24 are the most comfortable sharing their salary (40.79%), while those 25 to 34 are least comfortable doing so (33.75%)
  • In general, as women age they tend to get more comfortable discussing their salary than weight. 

Surprisingly, men aren’t exactly forthcoming with their salary info either.

  • In fact, only 20% of men say they’d prefer to disclose their salary, with 80% more willing to share their weight.
  • Men 35 to 44 are the most willing to share their salary (24.05%), while men 55 to 64 are least willing (16.90%)

When it comes to salary differences by gender:

  • 51.8% of women say they’ve been paid less then men.
  • Women 35 to 44 are the most likely to say they’ve been paid less than an equivalent male co-worker (60.71%) 

Source: My Bank Tracker

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