What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Skin

You probably don’t expect an aesthetician to ask “What’s your sign?” when looking at your skin during a facial. But it turns out, some people see a connection between astrology and our skin. Sound a little out there? Astrologer Aliza Kelly says each zodiac sign may manifest different complexion issues and that you can “use your skin to see what elements you are exuding in your life at the moment.” Here’s her take on decoding yours and solutions for the issues from dermatologist Dr. Michelle Henry.

  • Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) Issue: Inflammation - This can lead to blotchy, red skin, or acne so you’ll need something neutralizing. Dr. Henry advises topical treatments with soothing ingredients like licorice root and cucumber to reduce redness and for breakouts, a spot treatment with salicylic acid.
  • Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) Issue: Clogged pores - The astrologer says earth signs are grounded and retain things and that could apply to your pores, too. So Dr. Henry suggests a facial with extractions to clear those pores and products with salicylic acid, bamboo powder and a prescription retinoid to “encourage skin turnover.”
  • Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) Issue: Dryness - Air signs are “inherently social,” according to astrologer Kelly, and giving so much can leave them high and dry - literally. For this, Dr. Henry recommends moisturizing with products that contain ceramides and hyaluronic acid.
  • Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) Issue: Sensitivity - Water signs are associated with empathy and compassion, Kelly says, and that sensitivity could “translate to overly reactive skin” prone to redness. Dr. Henry’s fix? Mineral-based products without fragrance, abrasive cleansers, and harsh astringents. She says simplifying your routine is your best bet.

Source: Women's Health

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