Cannabis Purchases Skyrocket This Weekend

While plenty of folks enjoyed some beer and cocktails to celebrate the July 4th weekend, it seems it will also be a big weekend for cannabis users. 

According to a new report:

  • The holiday weekend will see legal national cannabis sales of over $206 million.
  • That’s about a yearly increase of 23%.
  • The biggest sales are expected on Friday, with nearly $91 million in sales expected, an increase of 60% from an average Friday.
  • That number would make Friday the second-highest sales day of the year after the pot holiday 4/20.
  • Other big sales days include Saturday ($72 million) and Sunday ($43 million).
  • The average order for a person will be $109, up from the 2021 average of $101.
  • Among the top products purchased:
    • Flower (49%)
    • Cartridge/Pens (31%)
    • Concentrates (10%)
    • Infused Edibles (9%)
    • Other (1%)

As for who is doing most of the purchasing:

  • 61% of males will be purchasing products this weekend, as compared to 39% of females.
  • The age group most likely to be purchasing cannabis are 30 to 40-year-olds (31%), followed by:
    • Under 30 (29%)
    • 40 to 50 (20%)
    • 50 to 60 (11%)
    • Over 60 (9%) 

Source: Yahoo Finance

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