Majority Of Us Looking To Break Bad Pandemic Habits

Being stuck in the house for the past year and a half was hard on a lot of people, with many people picking up some pretty bad habits. But now that things are opening up, and getting back to some semblance of normal, folks are ready to make some changes for the better.

A new ValuePenguin survey finds:

  • 61% of Americans are trying to break some sort of unhealthy habit they developed during the pandemic.
  • Bad habits include:
    • Too much screen time (30%)
    • Poor eating habits (22%)
    • Sleeping too much or too little (21%)
    • Drinking alcohol (14%)
    • Neglecting mental health (12%)
    • Poor work/life balance (9%)
    • Using marijuana (7%)
  • Gen Z is the generation most affected by unhealthy pandemic habits.
  • Gen Z’s is most likely to be struggling with poor work/life balance (22%), while Millennials are most likely to be dealing with alcohol struggles (20%).

But not all habits picked up during the pandemic were bad.

  • In fact, 65% of Americans say they developed a healthy pandemic habit, which they expect to continue.
  • Those healthy habits include
    • Frequent hand washing (66%)
    • Staying connected to family and friends (43%)
    • Staying home from work when sick (43%)
    • Wearing a face covering when I’m sick (42%)
    • Eating more meals at home (40%)
    • Spending time outside (39%)
    • Prioritize my mental health (38%)

Source: ValuePenguin

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