Guess What... Some Say It’s Too Expensive To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle!

While we all know it’s smart to eat healthy, it isn’t always easy, and not just because so many things that are healthy for us also taste pretty awful. 

According to a new survey:

  • 58% of people say being healthy is just too expensive.
  • 59% of Americans say the high costs get in the way of them maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • That number goes up to 68% for those living in urban areas.
  • When prioritizing their health, 65% of people say their “mental health” is the most important, followed by:
    • Living in a safe environment (65%)
    • Having good relationships with family and friends (61%)
  • When it comes to healthy habits, 59% of people say they exercise more than three times a week.
  • But 50% of people prioritize eating healthy food, and that becomes difficult for some.
  • Only 22% of people say they have a grocery nearby that sells affordable, good quality produce.
  • 79% of people say the nearest grocery is more than a mile from them, with the average being 4.1 miles.
  • Without that healthy food, the average person eats fast food three times a week, with 24% eating it five or more times a week. 

Source: SWNS Digital

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