While a lot of people have enjoyed being able to work from home for the past year and a half or so, there are a lot of things people miss about being in-person at the office environment.
A new survey finds:
- 70% of workers say they feel more isolated being at home rather than being in the office.
- Among the things folks miss the most about being in-person:
- Face-to-face meetings (39%)
- Office celebrations (35%)
- After-work happy hours (34%)
- Nearby restaurants (32%)
- Office banter (32%)
- Workplace pranks (31%)
- Commute to/from work (30%)
- Less work materials in home/room space (28%)
- Less email/chat conversations (27%)
- “Water cooler conversations (27%)
- Volunteering/charity events (27%)
- Not being in the office has resulted in 63% of workers saying they feel less connected to their team.
- For the average employee, that disconnection was felt as early as August 2020.
- Because of this lack of connection, only 16% of people say a sudden in-person gathering wouldn’t feel awkward.
- 82% of workers say they’ve avoided gatherings because they would find it uncomfortable.
- Two-thirds of employees believe they recognize direct co-workers by name only and wouldn’t be able to pick them out of a lineup.
Source: SWNS Digital