Most Of Us Feel Guilty About Our Holiday Eating

While some may think seeing family is the best part about the holidays, let’s face it, the food is really what most people are looking forward to. But holiday food is far from healthy, and that leaves a lot of people feeling guilty about how much they stuff into their mouths.

According to a study conducted by OnePoll, on behalf of Premier Protein:

  • 63% of Americans say they feel “food guilt” during the holiday season.
  • 47% feel anxious about holiday events because they know they’ll be tempted by unhealthy foods.
  • 48% say all the unhealthy food stresses them out more than family dynamics or gift giving.
  • 23% say desserts are the most tempting foods over the holidays.
  • Desserts folks feel most guilty about eating include:
    • Pumpkin pie (16%)
    • Apple pie (15%)
    • Sugar cookies (14%)
    • Cinnamon Rolls (14%)
    • Cherry Pie (10%)
  • Another 14% say that specialty foods and seasonal beverages are the most tempting, with hot chocolate and eggnog the most tempting beverages (18% each).

Of course for a lot of people, food is associated with a lot of holiday memories.

  • Among the top food related memories:
    • The smell of turkey cooking all day on Thanksgiving (32%)
    • Making holiday cookies with friends or family (22%)
    • Waking up to the smell of cinnamon rolls on Christmas or Thanksgiving morning (16%)
    • Eating cookies while waiting for Santa (15%) 

Source: SWNS Digital

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