Half Of Us Think 2021 Was A Terrible Year

The New Year is less than a week away and it sure looks as though most folks will be happy to see 2021 over and done with.

A new YouGov poll finds:

  • Nearly two-thirds of Americans do not describe 2021 favorably.
    • 35% say it was a “bad” year for the country.
    • 30% say it was a “terrible” year for the country.
    • Only 19% would describe it as an “okay” year.
    • 8% would say it was “good.”
    • 5% would say it was “great.”

When it comes to them personally:

  • 31% say it was a bad or terrible year.
  • 41% say it was okay.
  • 19% say it was a good year.
  • 5% actually describe it as a great year for them. 
  • Overall, 58% of people describe 2021 as one of the worst years in American history.
  • 30% think the last decade was the worst in American history, while 45% say it was about average.
  • As for how things are going in the U.S., on a scale of one to 10, 17% of Americans gave the U.S. a one, saying thigs are very bad, while 50% rate things between a two and five.
  • Only 28% rate the U.S. between a six and nine, with only 5% giving it a 10. 

So, do Americans think things are going to improve next year? Well, not really.

  • 47% believe things will be equally bad in 2022, with 24% saying things will be bad and 23% saying things will be terrible.
  • 21% believe 2022 will be an okay year for the U.S.
  • 16% expect it to be a great or good year.

Source: YouGov

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