Half Of Workers Would Rather Quit Than Return To The Office

A lot of companies are starting to bring employees back to the office, but while managers may want them there, most workers may not want to go, and some are even taking extreme steps to not have to.

A new Robert Half Survey finds:

  • 66% of senior managers expect employees to return to the office as COVID restrictions are eased.
  • Only 18% managers are for keeping long-term hybrid schedules for workers, allowing them to divide time between the office and another location.

But it looks like employers could lose a lot of workers if they don’t embrace the hybrid work model.

  • In fact, 50% of workers polled say they would look for a job that allowed for remote options if their company required them to return in-house.
  • That’s an increase of 16% from just a year ago.
  • Those most likely to quit rather than return to the office full time include:
    • Working parents (55%)
    • Millennials (65%)

Source: Robert Half

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