Productivity Hacks To Help Get More Done

We’ve all had days when we feel like we’re busy, and then suddenly it’s 5pm and we’ve only done a fraction of the work we needed to get done. Staying productive can be challenging, especially when we’re dealing with constant distractions, but being productive isn’t just about getting more work done, it’s about getting more out of our time.

Fortunately, there are hacks for just about everything these days, including productivity. The goal with these is to help you get more done without wasting time on things that don’t matter. Ready to work more efficiently? Try these tricks:

  • When you’re having trouble staying focused on high priority tasks - Avoid multitasking and batch work into high-focus and low-focus tasks. Minimize distractions by pausing notifications on your phone and dedicate your time to that high-focus work only.
  • If you’re struggling to focus on the task at hand - Getting your mindset in the right space is the first step to getting into full productive mode and sometimes, that requires a change of scenery. Switching up your work environment can help, so try working outside or just moving your workspace.
  • When you feel like your brain isn’t in the game Studies have shown that sitting for long periods of time can actually lead to a decrease of cognitive performance. That means what we do with our bodies has a direct impact on how well our brains function, so getting up and moving around during working hours can help boost brain power.
  • If you’re feeling mentally drained by midday - Sometimes you hit that afternoon slump and have trouble getting the rest of your work done, but changing how you work can help. Try getting your most important and biggest task done first thing in the morning to maximize brain power. Getting those big ticket items finished earlier can boost dopamine levels, alertness, concentration and creativity, too.

Source: ClickUp

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