In this day and age folks feel stressed more than ever before, but many take steps to counteract that by practicing self-care. Unfortunately, it sounds like there’s as lot of work that needs to be done before Americans are truly feeling relaxed.
A new poll conducted by Sensodyne finds:
- Americans need to learn to relax, with the average person saying they only feel relaxed about 40 minutes a day.
- What’s more, 47% of folks say it’s even less than that.
- But it’s not like people aren’t doing their best to try and relax.
- In fact, more than half of those polled say they prioritize their self-care.
- 72% say the past two years has motivated them to take a greater interest in self-care routines.
- Because of this, the average person spends 38 minutes a day on themselves, while15% spend more than an hour practicing self-care.
- So, in what ways are folks taking care of themselves? Well, self-care routines include:
- Workouts (36%)
- Listening to music (35%)
- Going for walks (33%)
- Taking a long shower (32%)
- Watching their favorite TV show or movie (32%)
- Taking a hot bath (30%)
- Picking up a good book (30%)
- Meditating (28%)
- Listening to a podcast (27%)
- Journaling (23%)
- But self-care isn’t always easy for some.
- 52% say lack of money keeps them from their self-care routines.
- Another 42% say lack of motivation gets in the way.
Source: Study Finds