Most Of Us Think We Could Be The Next Content Creator Superstar

While being a content creator on social media looks like it’s a fun thing to do in your spare time, it turns out more and more people are making it their full-time job, and there are plenty of others who are hoping to one day make it their profession as well. 

A new survey finds:

  • 40% of Americans think they have the skills to become a content creator superstar.
  • 41% have considered making content creation their full-time gig.
  • In fact, 58% believe content creation should be treated as a full-time job.
  • Another 58% think it should be treated as seriously as other full-time gigs.
  • Although 56% still see it simply as a hobby.

So, what is motivating people to go into content creation?

  • 39% say it’s the money, with 49% believing you could make a good living as a content creator.
  • 37% love sharing their passion.
  • 35% like being their own boss.
  • 33% want to expand their social circle
  • 33% want to learn more about a given topic
  • 30% are looking for fame 

But what exactly qualifies as a content creator is the subject of some debate.

  • 40% correctly say content creators create any kind of content, usually digitally.
  • 29% believe it means they just create ideas for content.
  • 10% say they only make videos.
  • And apparently plenty of people aren’t really sure what it means to be an “influencer” either.
  • 34% think they advertise on behalf of products.
  • 30% think they are just popular people on social media.
  • 14% look at them a trendsetters.
  • And two-in-three people insist there are distinct differences between content creators and influencers. 

Source: SWNS Digital

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