Majority Of Us Say Thanksgiving Is Ruined Without Leftovers

While getting to be with family and friends is an important part of Thanksgiving, let’s face it, the most important part is the food. And for some people even more important than the Thanksgiving meal are the Thanksgiving leftovers.

A new survey finds:

  • More than two-thirds of Americans believe Thanksgiving leftovers taste better than the original meal.
  • 72% say they prepare their Thanksgiving meal with the intention of having leftovers.
  • 70% are more interested in the next-day Thanksgiving sandwich than the actual meal.
  • As for what dish is the best for leftovers, the Turkey is by far everyone’s favorite (62%), followed by:
    • Mashed potatoes (46%)
    • Stuffing/dressing (46%)
    • Pumpkin pie (45%)
    • Apple pie (41%)
    • Green bean casserole (37%)
    • Rolls (34%)
    • Candied yams (33%)
    • Gravy (32%)
    • Cornbread (29%)
    • Cranberry sauce (28%)

Just how important are leftovers for some people?

  • Well, 56% of Americans say Thanksgiving would be ruined if there were no leftovers.
  • People love Thanksgiving food so much, 35% would eat leftovers for five or more days after the initial meal.
  • But even with that, the average person winds up throwing away eight pounds of leftovers.

Source: SWNS Digital

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