It’s New Mexico’s Birthday… How Much Do You Know?

January 6th, 1912....New Mexico officially became a state so Happy 113th Birthday to our lovely state!

On Statehood Day, here's some facts about New Mexico… how many of these do you know?

  • At 7000 feet above sea level, Santa Fe is the nations highest capitol city (and OLDEST Capitol city)
  • 1/4 Of New Mexico Is forested, and the state has 7 National Forests including the Gila, which is the largest national forest in the country at 3.3 million acres
  • The Real Smokey The Bear was found trapped in a tree in a forest fire in Lincoln County, New Mexico in 1950
  • The Palace Of Governors Is the Oldest Government building in the United States, built in 1610
  • New Mexico has more sheep and cattle than people
  • You can find Moon Rocks in New Mexico, At the International Space Hall of Fame in Alamogordo
  • Truth or Consequences, New Mexico was originally named Hot Springs, they changed their name in 1950 to the name of a popular Radio Quiz Show at the time.
  • New Mexico's State Constitution officially declares that we are a bilingual state (English and Spanish)
  • Wheeler Peak is the state's highest location at 13,167 feet
  • The Lowest Point in New Mexico is Red Bluff Reservoir at 2,842 feet
  • Taos Pueblo has been inhabited for over 1,000 years!
  • New Mexico has more PHDs per capita than any other state
  • You can see 5 different states from the top of Capulin Volcano
  • Santa Fe was founded 10 years before the pilgrims landed at Plymouth
  • Blue Law...It's illegal to dance while wearing a sombrero
  • 75% of New Mexico's Roads are unpaved
  • Of course... we are home to the largest Balloon Festival in the world! The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta!

Check out more cool stuff about New Mexico here.

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