Check Out the Easter Numbers

Here are some Easter fun facts:

  • Easter-related spending is expected to be $24 billion this year.
  • Average spending will be about $192 among those celebrating.
  • 90% of those baskets will contain chocolate and candy.
  • 90 million chocolate bunnies are sold every year for Easter.
  • 78% of us eat chocolate bunnies ears first.
  • $49,000: Price of the world’s most expensive chocolate Easter bunny.
  • 6 billion jelly beans are consumed for Easter (enough to circle the globe three times).
  • There are 17 flavors of Marshmallow Peeps available this Easter.
  • 1.5 billion Peeps are consumed each Easter.
  • 81% of parents steal candy from their kids’ stash.
  • 180 million eggs are purchased for Easter.
  • An Easter egg hunt is the top family Easter activity (83%)

WalletHub has tons more info on Easter. Check out all the numbers here.

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