America’s Most Spoiled Dog Breeds

Think your dog is spoiled? Six in 10 people swear they own the “world’s most spoiled dog,” according to a new survey. And 66% of them have a herding dog, like an Australian shepherd, border collie or a corgi.

While herding dogs may earn the most spoiled title, non-sporting dogs, like bulldogs, Boston terriers and Shiba Inus aren’t far behind with 64% of the vote. Coming in third with 59% are terrier breeds, including Jack Russell terriers, Scottish terriers and Staffordshire terriers.

The poll of 2-thousand dog owners finds:

  • Nearly all of them (96%) say they spoil their pets in many different ways and 37% treat their dogs so well, they’d happily switch bodies with them for the day if they could.
  • If they woke up as their dog, 47% would play all day, 42% would sleep until noon, 37% would sleep where they’re not allowed to, and 34% would beg humans to play.
  • Four in five respondents treat and talk to their dogs as if they were a person.
  • With Mother’s Day coming up, 75% of women surveyed say they take pride in their “dog mom” title and 67% of them believe dog moms should be celebrated on Mother’s Day just like moms of humans.
  • A third of women confess to treating their dog more luxurious than themselves, while 17% treat their dog better than their kids and 16% treat them better than their partners.

Source: SWNS Digital

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