A Bunch Of Things You Probably Didn’t Know About 'Christmas Vacation'

There is a great list out with a whole bunch of things you probably didn't know about the classic Christmas movie, Christmas Vacation. Here is a sample:

  • The first director dropped out before shooting started because he found Chevy Chase impossible to work with.
  • When Clark Gri swald has his freak out on the Christmas decorations, you may notice that he does a lot of kicking. That’s because early in that scene Chevy Chase punched a Santa figurine and broke his pinky.
  • In all the vacation movies… the Griswold kids, Russ and Audrey, are played by different actors. But in Christmas Vacation Russ is played by Johnny Galecki, best known for “The Big Bang Theory”.

Check out all 20 facts you might not know about 'National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation'.

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