Our Top Dealbreakers At A Restaurant... It's Not the Food

We all know our dealbreakers when it comes to relationships, the things that would make us not want to date someone, but what about dealbreakers for restaurants? A new survey reveals the biggest things that bug Americans when dining out and may keep them from ever going back there.

The poll of a thousand U.S. adults and a thousand small business owners and hospitality workers finds:

  • Restaurant cleanliness tops the list as the top dealbreaker, beating out expensive prices and rude wait staff.
  • A clean restaurant (44%) is more important to people than having a variety of options on the menu (35%) or how affordable it is (33%).
  • To gauge how clean a place is, customers look at the tables (56%), plates and bowls (56%) and silverware (49%).
  • But people don’t just want their restaurants to be clean, it’s also a dealbreaker for where they stay on vacation.
  • At vacation rentals, they’re checking out the bathroom (55%), towels and sheets (49%) and flooring (48%) to see how clean it is.
  • Not being clean is the number one reason respondents wouldn’t return to a business, followed by quality concerns and poor customer service.
  • On the flip side, 52% would become repeat customers if a business was always clean, more than if it offered discounts or perks (42%) or was within walking distance (31%).
  • More than half (53%) of hospitality workers say cleaning is the most time-consuming part of their job.

Source: SWNS Digital

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