First Day of Spring Fun Quiz, NM Spring Weather Forecast

Spring arrives in Albuquerque tonight officially at 9:06p.m. tonight!

There are only two times of the year when the Earth's axis is tilted neither toward nor away from the sun, resulting in a "nearly" equal amount of daylight and darkness at all latitudes. These events are referred to as Equinoxes. (Vernal Equinox - the first day of Spring). Around the equinox, we're gaining over two minutes of extra daylight each day, so it will take less than a month from now to gain an additional hour of sun. 

2024 Spring Forecast:

  • April: Forecast confidence is moderate to high for near to slightly above precipitation and near average temperatures for central and northern NM.
  • May: Forecast confidence is low to moderate for near average precipitation and near average temperatures. Once again, May has the lowest forecast confidence.
  • Wind: Forecast confidence is moderate to high for below average wind speeds in March and April and near average in May.

Check out the full Spring Weather and Fire Forecast from the National Weather Service here.

You can also check out all the science stuff on the spring equinox from the National Weather Service.

Now that spring is here, take this fun “Spring Quiz” from the good folks at After you submit your answers, it will score it and tell you the correct answer in case you missed a question. I got 8 out of 10. How did you do?

Take the Spring Quiz Now

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