The Workplace Behaviors We Hate Most

We spend a huge amount of our lives at work, so the environment there can have a huge impact on us, for better or worse. just came out with their 2024 Work Watch Report, which polls thousands of Americans across the country to get insight into the latest workplace trends.

The job search site’s research covers a wide range of topics, from burnout to salary expectations, as well as a very interesting “Bring Your Manners to Work” section.

  • It finds that 69% of workers would consider leaving their job if their employer didn’t have policies in place related to workplace etiquette.
  • Nearly a third (31%) of workers don’t feel like their workplace is a respectful environment where manners are valued.
  • The report also reveals manners that matter most to Americans. Half of those surveyed say respectful communication is the most important manner in the workplace, while punctuality matters most to 14%.
  • As for the most-hated workplace behaviors, these are considered the rudest:
    • Not cleaning up after yourself (88%).
    • Gossiping (81%)
    • Using inappropriate language (78%)
    • Being unresponsive to messages (77%)
    • Consistently being late to meetings (76%)
  • When people don’t follow proper workplace etiquette, their coworkers:
    • Think less highly of them (24%)
    • Are less likely to collaborate with them (23%)
    • Actively try to avoid them when possible (18%)
    • Are less likely to recommend them for a promotion or raise (17%)

Source: KTLA

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