There’s no doubt 2020 has been a bad year for a lot of things, and according to a new survey, that includes sleep.
The survey on behalf of Hatch finds:
- 51% of Americans say 2020 has been their worst year for sleep.
- 42% of people don’t recall the last time they had a good night’s sleep.
- Things folks are blaming their bad sleep on include:
- Consumed too much news (34%)
- Spend too much time with people in their household (22%)
- Disappointment over canceled vacations (19%)
- Spent too much time on Zoom (16%)
- Burnout from constantly working at home (16%)
- Consumed more alcohol than usual (15%)
Of course, there are some things folks tried to help them sleep, although whether it was successful is another story.
- 34% say they used music to try and help them wind down.
- 20% took a crack at meditation
- 14% actually tried counting sheep.
And with the holidays fast approaching, most people don’t expect their sleep habits to im24ove anytime soon.
- In fact, 40% of people say they get their worst sleep over the holiday season.
- Things most likely to disrupt sleep over the holidays include:
- Coordinating and cooking holiday meals (28%)
- Crowding in a full house of relatives of all ages (28%)
- Pressure related to giving nice holiday gifts (27%)
- Stressful questions related to their career/financial status (23%)
- Stressful questions related to their relationship status (20%)
Source: SWNS Digital