Get this: Your smartphone is 10 times dirtier than a toilet seat, according to microbiologists at the University of Arizona. Sure, many of these germs are harmless. But, Smartphone screens can carry 17,000 types of bacteria. Among those can be illness-causing bacteria like streptococcus and E. coli, as well as viruses like the flu. Here is the scoop on how to properly disinfect your smartphone, which products you should use, and how often you should clean your device. The experts say you can use Lysol wipes to clean your phone. And make sure to use a Q Tip to get into all the crevices, especially if you have a screen protector. And don’t forget to clean the case AND the phone, by taking it out.
In terms of how often… do a wipe down at least once a day if you are out and about with your phone!