We all know how important a good night’s sleep is for our health, but for a lot of people, their partner gets in the way of them getting the necessary shut eye they want, and need.
A new survey finds:
- 78% of people in relationships say sleep compatability with a partner is very important.
- 77% say they are affected when their partner doesn’t get a good night’s sleep.
- 40% of Americans have actually ended a relationship because of a partner’s poor sleeping habits.
One major issue when it comes to sleeping with a partner is snoring, and there is only so much of it a person can deal with.
- 47% of people admit they snore more than their partner, while 25% say their partner snores more.
- The average person will only put up with one and a half hours of their partner’s snoring before either making them sleep on the couch, or leaving themselves.
- 70% are likely to ask their partner to move, while 67% would move themselves.
- 56% of people who sleep with their partner every night say they’d rather sleep alone due to their partner’s sleep habits.
But snoring isn’t the only issue. Among the other sleeping issues:
- 45% of folks say their partner takes up more of the bed than them, while 32% say they take up more space.
- 36% say their partner steals the covers more than they do, although 35% say they steal them more so it’s about even.
- 57% of people identify as light sleepers.
- 49% have a pet that sleeps with them frequently.
Source: SWNS Digital