Not everything we are forced to do in life is a pleasant experience. In fact, there are a lot of gross and dirty jobs that come with adulting, but it turns out a lot of younger folks just don’t want to deal. A new survey of Gen Z finds:
- While there are some dirty jobs they are willing to do themselves, there are also plenty they’d rather avoid, and are willing to pay someone to do it for them.
- The top dirty job they’d rather pay someone to do is maintaining a septic tank, although almost 13% have actually done it themselves.
Other dirty jobs Gen Z would rather pay to have done include:
- Getting rid of dead animals they find (39%)
- Clean out pest traps (31%)
- Cleaning the gutters (34%)
- Sweeping the chimney (15%)
And while people may love their animals, they apparently don’t love some of the chores that come with them.
- Only 51% of people say they clean out their cat’s litter box.
- And a third admit to not picking up their dog’s poop.
- As for why people won’t do these jobs themselves:
- 46% say it’s lack of experience.
- 34% let a family member do it for them.
- 32% refuse because it’s just too gross.
But there are some dirty jobs Gen Z are willing to deal with.
- 82.5% say they take out their own garbage.
- 81.6% clean their toilet, although 25% of Gen Z admit to never cleaning their toilet.
Source: Study Finds