On Friday, June 3, 2022, with the increase in containment of the Cerro Pelado Fire, Valles Caldera National Preserve will reopen portions of the Valle Grande District.
Starting in late April, the park closed due to the Cerro Pelado Fire and the extreme fire danger in the region. With the extreme fire danger persisting, Valles Caldera has entered into Stage III fire closure of the park’s backcountry, while maintaining opportunities for visitors to experience and recreate in the park’s front country.
Visitor opportunities available in the Valle Grande District include hiking along the La Jara and Valle Grande Pond trails; hiking, biking, and horseback-riding along the perimeter of the Valle Grande; and Jaramillo Creek within the Valle Grande; ranger programs within the Baca Ranch Cabin District (starting June 11); and viewpoints along NM Highway 4
The main vehicle entrance and visitor services will be open from 9 am to 5 pm daily starting June 3. Ranger programs will begin on Saturday, June 11, which include the first night sky program of the season (registration required). For additional information about ranger programs, visit: nps.gov/vall/planyourvisit/ranger-led-activities.htm.
Vehicle travel into the park is limited to the first two miles to the Entrance Station for all vehicles, and then an additional two miles to the Baca Ranch Cabin District for up to 12 vehicles at a time. Vehicles will be allowed to park only in designated parking areas and open pullouts. All other areas of the park remain closed until further notice.
For up-to-date information on the status of the park, visit: nps.gov/vall/planyourvisit/conditions.htm