Meeting up to grab a drink used to be a pretty common option for first dates, but it seems the times are changing. New research from Hinge reveals a majority of singles would rather skip the booze on the first date.
The dating app surveyed 3-thousand of its users last month and found:
- 75% would prefer a sober date the first time they meet someone
- More than half (55%) say they prefer not drinking on a first date because it allows them to have a clear head while getting to know someone.
- Millennials are 50% more likely than younger generations to report they drank alcohol on a date when they would’ve preferred not to.
- And two-thirds of those polled say it would be a dealbreaker if someone drank too much on a first date.
If you decide to stay sober on your next first date, but you’re not sure what to do that doesn’t involve alcohol, try one of these:
- Go to a museum.
- Have a picnic in the park.
- Go to a mini-golf course.
- See a movie and if you live near a drive-in, even better.
- Go to a workshop or class you're both interested in.
- See some live music.
- Go to a baseball game.
- Rent kayaks or a canoe and get out on the water.
Source: Mind Body Green