Luke Bryan with special guests Jackson Dean, Ashley Cooke, and Tyler Braden are coming Friday, July 28th to Isleta Amphitheater. Tickets for the show are onsale at Luke Bryan: Country On Tour 2023 Tickets Jul 28, 2023 Albuquerque, NM | Live Nation.
Or you can win a pair...
Here is how you enter for these tickets:
- Send an email to:
- In the Subject enter: the keyword I gave you on the radio!
- Include this info about you:
- Your first and last name
- Your phone number
- Your date of birth with the year
Some things to know:
- I will email you back if you're the winner. And if you don't win today, you could win on another day, so you don't need to enter again.
- Only one entry per person per prize (duplicate entries are deleted).
- You must be at least 18 years of age to enter or to win.
- If you have won anything from any Albuquerque iHeartMedia Station in the last 30 days, you’re not eligible to enter or to win.