A new TripAdvisor poll reveals that 67% of Americans are planning some sort of vacation this summer. There’s no doubt after the past year folks are dying to get away, and some are so desperate they’d be willing to give up some pretty outrageous things just to do so.
- A new survey by The Vacationer asked folks what they’d be willing to give up for a year in order to travel safely without any restrictions.
- Believe it or not, 18.10% of people would actually be fine giving up sex for a year to do so.
- Interestingly, 6% more women would be willing to give up sex than men.
- Other sacrifices people would be willing to make include:
- Not eat your favorite food for a year (24.25%)
- Not exercise for a year (23.13%)
- Not see your best friend for a year (22.01%)
- Spend a night in prison (16.79%)
- But apparently there are plenty of folks who aren’t really that desperate to travel, with 38.25% saying they wouldn’t be willing to do any of the above.
Source: Best Life