A lot of people have trouble getting a good night’s sleep, and, based on the results of a new survey, that’s particularly true for parents.
According to a survey of parents with children 18 and under:
- 44% of parents say they have a tough time falling asleep every night.
- 46% say their kids are the reason they have trouble falling and staying asleep.
- 33% of parents say one of the things causing them sleep problems is putting their children to bed.
- Most parents don't put themselves to bed until at least two hours after their kids’ bedtime, which on average is between and 8 and 9 pm.
- 39% say if their children are up past their bedtime they won’t fall asleep until their kid is also asleep.
- Some of the typical things kids do that keep their parents awake include:
- Coming to my bed at night (43%)
- Using their screens (tablets, watching TV, playing video games) (43%)
- Playing with toys (41%)
- Reading books (33%)
- Crying, up for nighttime feedings, etc. (29%)
- Hanging out late with friends (20%)
- Homework (17%)
Source: SWNS Digital